Friday, May 11, 2012

AJP-{Previous Sem Question Papers}

Nov-Dec 2011
11a(1):Explain the mechanism used to improve the performance of I/O operations on byte stream(8)
(2);Discuss the role of interpreter engine in improving the portability of the application(8)
11b(1):How do you implement multithreaded model in java(6)
(2):Design a swing component for "login form"with seperate event listener and event implementer(10)
12a(1):Discuss the steps involved in creating socket based connection between client server with an example(10)
(2):Discuss the use of accept() in server socket(6)
12b(1):Discuss three commonly used Inet Address factory method to get the IP address(8)
(2):Implement PING command in java(8)
13a(1):Describe the process involved in generating stub and skeleton for an application object in CORBA(8)
(2):Explain the client request invocation in java(8)
13b(1):"RMI is a communication model"-Justify(8)
(2):Create RMI server for simple banking transaction(8)
14a(1):Discuss Various ways of maintaining session details in a servlet(8)
(2):How will you push data from servlet to applet.Explain with example(8)
14b(1):Briefly describe the purpose of methods in HTTPSERVLET class(8)
(2):Different types of JDBC driver (8)
15a:Create and implement sales transaction stateless session bean in java(16)
b:Explain container managed persistent entity bean with an example(16)